- Abacus Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Acid (vial) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Alchemist's Fire (flask) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Alchemist's Supplies Artisan Tool PHB None
- Antitoxin Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Arrows Ammunition PHB None
- Arrows (20) Ammunition PHB None
- Asp Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Assassin's Blood (Ingested) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Backpack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Bagpipes Instrument PHB None
- Ball Bearings Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Balloon Pack Wondrous Item PotA None
- Barrel Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Basic Poison (vial) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Basket Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Battleaxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Battle Plate Exotic, Heavy Armor MFoV None
- Bedroll Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Bell Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Blanket Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Block and Tackle Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Blowgun Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Blowgun Needles Ammunition PHB None
- Blowgun Needles (50) Ammunition PHB None
- Book Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Breastplate Medium Armor PHB None
- Brewer's Supplies Artisan Tool PHB None
- Bucket Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Bullseye Lantern Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Burglar's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Burnt Othur Fumes (Inhaled) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Calligrapher's Supplies Artisan Tool PHB None
- Caltrops Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Caltrops (20) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Candle Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Carpenter's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Carrion Crawler Mucus (Contact) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Cartographer's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Chain (10 feet) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Chain Mail Heavy Armor PHB None
- Chain Shirt Medium Armor PHB None
- Chakram Exotic, Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon MFoV None
- Chalk (1 piece) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Chest Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Claws of the Umber Hulk Wondrous Item PotA None
- Climber's Kit Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Club Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Cobbler's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Common Clothes Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Component Pouch Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Cook's Utensils Artisan Tool PHB None
- Costume Clothes Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Crossbow Bolt Case Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Crossbow Bolts Ammunition PHB None
- Crossbow Bolts (20) Ammunition PHB None
- Crowbar Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Crystal Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Dagger Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Dart Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Dervish Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Dice Set Gaming Set PHB None
- Diplomat's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Disguise Kit Tool PHB None
- Double-Sword Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Draakhorn Wondrous Item RoT None
- Dragonchess Set Gaming Set PHB None
- Dragontooth Dagger Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon RoT None
- Drow Poison (Injury) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Drum Instrument PHB None
- Dulcimer Instrument PHB None
- Dungeoneer's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Dwarven Waraxe Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Entertainer's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Essence of Ether (Inhaled) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Explorer's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Fine Clothes Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Fishing Tackle Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Flail Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Flask Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Flute Instrument PHB None
- Forgery Kit Tool PHB None
- Fullblade Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Glaive Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Glass Bottle Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Glassblower's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Goliath Hammer Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Grand Spear Exotic, Martial Weapon, Ranged Weapon MFoV None
- Grappling Hook Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Greatbow Exotic, Ranged Weapon MFoV None
- Great Scimitar Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Greataxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Greatclub Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Halberd Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Half Plate Medium Armor PHB None
- Hammer Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Hand Crossbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Handaxe Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Hardened Leather Exotic, Light Armor MFoV None
- Healer's Kit Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Heavy Crossbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Hempen Rope (50 feet) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Herbalism Kit Tool PHB None
- Hero Plate Exotic, Medium Armor MFoV None
- Hide Armor Medium Armor PHB None
- Amulet Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Emblem Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Reliquary Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Holy Symbol of Ravenkind Wondrous Item CoS None
- Holy Water (flask) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Hooded Lantern Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Horn Instrument PHB None
- Hourglass Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Hunting Trap Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Icon of Ravenloft Wondrous Item CoS None
- Ink (1 ounce bottle) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Ink Pen Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Iron Pot Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Iron Spikes Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Iron Spikes (10) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Javelin Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Jeweler's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Jug Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Ladder (10-foot) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Lamp Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Lance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Leather Armor Light Armor PHB None
- Leatherworker's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Light Crossbow Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Light Hammer Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Lock Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Longbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Lute Instrument PHB None
- Lyre Instrument PHB None
- Mace Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Magnifying Glass Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Malice (Inhaled) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Manacles Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Map or Scroll Case Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Mason's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Maul Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Merchant's Scale Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Mess Kit Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Midnight Tears (Ingested) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Miner's Pick Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Monster Hunter's Pack Adventuring Gear CoS None
- Morningstar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Mountain Cleaver Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Mountain Plate Exotic, Heavy Armor MFoV None
- Navigator's Tools Tool PHB None
- Net Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Oil (flask) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Oil of Taggit (Contact) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Orb Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Padded Armor Light Armor PHB None
- Painter's Supplies Artisan Tool PHB None
- Pale Tincture (Ingested) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Pan Flute Instrument PHB None
- Paper (one sheet) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Parchment (one sheet) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Perfume (vial) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Pike Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Pitcher Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Piton Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Plate Armor Heavy Armor PHB None
- Playing Card Set Gaming Set PHB None
- Poisoner's Kit Tool PHB None
- Pole (10-foot) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Portable Ballista Exotic, Ranged Weapon MFoV None
- Portable Ram Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Potter's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Pouch Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Priest's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Purple Worm Poison (Injury) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Quarterstaff Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Quickblade Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Quiver Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Rations (1 day) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Ring Mail Heavy Armor PHB None
- Robes Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Rod Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Sack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Scale Mail Medium Armor PHB None
- Scholar's Pack Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Sealing Wax Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Serpent Venom (Injury) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Shawm Instrument PHB None
- Shield Shield PHB None
- Shield Axe Exotic, Melee Weapon, Shield MFoV None
- Shortbow Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Shovel Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Sickle Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Signal Whistle Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Signet Ring Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Silk Rope (50 feet) Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Sledge Hammer Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Sling Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Sling Bullets Ammunition PHB None
- Sling Bullets (20) Ammunition PHB None
- Smith's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Soap Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Spear Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PHB None
- Spellbook Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Spiked Chain Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Splint Armor Heavy Armor PHB None
- Sprig of Mistletoe Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Spyglass Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Staff Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Steel Mirror Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Stonespeaker Crystal Wondrous Item OotA None
- Studded Leather Armor Light Armor PHB None
- Tankard Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Tether Club Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Thieves' Tools Tool PHB None
- Three-Dragon Ante Set Gaming Set PHB None
- Tinderbox Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Tinker's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Titan Maul Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Tome of Strahd Adventuring Gear CoS None
- Torch Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Torpor (Ingested) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Totem Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Tower Shield Exotic, Shield MFoV None
- Traveler's Clothes Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Trident Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Trinket Adventuring Gear EEPC None
- Truth Serum (Ingested) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Two-Person Tent Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Vial Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Viol Instrument PHB None
- Wall Shield Exotic, Shield MFoV None
- Wand Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- War Pick Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Warhammer Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Warpike Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Waterskin Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Weaver's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Whetstone Adventuring Gear PHB None
- Whip Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PHB None
- Whipsword Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Woodcarver's Tools Artisan Tool PHB None
- Wooden Staff Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Wyvern Poison (Injury) Adventuring Gear DMG None
- Yew Wand Spellcasting Focus PHB None
- Hacking Tools Tool UA None
- Pistol Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Musket Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Bullet Ammunition DMG None
- Bullets (10) Ammunition DMG None
- Energy Cell Ammunition DMG None
- Automatic Pistol Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Revolver Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Hunting Rifle Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Automatic Rifle Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Shotgun Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Laser Pistol Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Antimatter Rifle Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Laser Rifle Firearm, Martial Weapon DMG None
- Bomb Explosive DMG None
- Gunpowder Keg Explosive DMG None
- Gunpowder Horn Explosive DMG None
- Dynamite (Stick) Explosive DMG None
- Fragmentation Grenade Explosive DMG None
- Smoke Grenade Explosive DMG None
- Grenade Launcher Explosive DMG None
- Camel Mount PHB None
- Donkey Mount PHB None
- Mule Mount PHB None
- Elephant Mount PHB None
- Draft Horse Mount PHB None
- Riding Horse Mount PHB None
- Mastiff Mount PHB None
- Pony Mount PHB None
- Warhorse Mount PHB None
- Barding Tack and Harness PHB None
- Bit and bridle Tack and Harness PHB None
- Feed (per day) Tack and Harness PHB None
- Saddlebags Tack and Harness PHB None
- Stabling (per day) Tack and Harness PHB None
- Exotic Saddle Tack and Harness PHB None
- Military Saddle Tack and Harness PHB None
- Pack Saddle Tack and Harness PHB None
- Riding Saddle Tack and Harness PHB None
- Carriage Vehicle PHB None
- Cart Vehicle PHB None
- Chariot Vehicle PHB None
- Sled Vehicle PHB None
- Wagon Vehicle PHB None
- Galley Vehicle PHB None
- Keelboat Vehicle PHB None
- Longship Vehicle PHB None
- Rowboat Vehicle PHB None
- Sailing Ship Vehicle PHB None
- Warship Vehicle PHB None
- Wheat Trade Good PHB None
- Flour Trade Good PHB None
- Chicken Trade Good PHB None
- Salt Trade Good PHB None
- Iron Trade Good PHB None
- Canvas (1 sq. yd.) Trade Good PHB None
- Copper Trade Good PHB None
- Cotton Cloth (1 sq. yd.) Trade Good PHB None
- Ginger Trade Good PHB None
- Goat Trade Good PHB None
- Cinnamon Trade Good PHB None
- Pepper Trade Good PHB None
- Sheep Trade Good PHB None
- Cloves Trade Good PHB None
- Pig Trade Good PHB None
- Silver Trade Good PHB None
- Linen (1 sq. yd.) Trade Good PHB None
- Silk (1 sq. yd.) Trade Good PHB None
- Cow Trade Good PHB None
- Saffron Trade Good PHB None
- Ox Trade Good PHB None
- Gold Trade Good PHB None
- Platinum Trade Good PHB None
- Zweihänder Exotic, Melee Weapon MFoV None
- Adamantine Armor Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Chain Mail Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Chain Shirt Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Half Plate Armor Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Plate Armor Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Ring Mail Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Adamantine Spiked Armor Medium Armor DMG None
- Adamantine Splint Armor Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Alchemy Jug Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Amulet of Health Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Amulet of the Black Skull Wondrous Item (requires attunement)ToA Very Rare
- Amulet of the Planes Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Animated Shield Shield DMG Very Rare
- Apparatus of Kwalish Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Armor of Ease Medium Armor (any) XLN Uncommon
- Armor of Gleaming Medium Armor, Heavy Armor XGE Common
- Armor of Invulnerability Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Armor of Vulnerability (Bludgeoning) Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Armor of Vulnerability (Piercing) Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Armor of Vulnerability (Slashing) Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Arranavel Weapon (Longsword) (requires attunement)XLN Uncommon
- Arrow of Slaying Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Arrow-Catching Shield Shield DMG Rare
- Arrows +1 Ammunition DMG Uncommon
- Arrows +2 Ammunition DMG Rare
- Arrows +3 Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Axe of the Dwarvish Lords Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Artifact
- Azuredge Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon, Weapon (Battleaxe) (requires attunement)WDH Legendary
- Bag of Beans Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Bag of Devouring Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Bag of Holding Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Bag of Tricks, Gray Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Bag of Tricks, Rust Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Bag of Tricks, Tan Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Banner of the Krig Rune Wondrous Item SKT Rare
- Battleaxe +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Battleaxe +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Battleaxe +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Battleaxe of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Bead of Force Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Bead of Nourishment Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Bead of Refreshment Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Belt of Cloud Giant Strength Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Belt of Dwarvenkind Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Belt of Fire Giant Strength Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Belt of Frost Giant Strength Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Belt of Hidden Knives Wondrous Item XLN Very Rare
- Belt of Hill Giant Strength Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Belt of Stone Giant Strength Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Belt of Storm Giant Strength Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Belt of the Monkey Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XLN Uncommon
- Berserker Battleaxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Berserker Greataxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Berserker Handaxe Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Black Dragon Mask Wondrous Item HotDQ None
- Black Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Blackrazor Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Blod Stone Wondrous Item SKT Rare
- Blood Spear Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon CoS None
- Blowgun +1 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Blowgun +2 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Blowgun +3 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Blowgun Needle of Slaying Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Blowgun Needles +1 Ammunition DMG Uncommon
- Blowgun Needles +2 Ammunition DMG Rare
- Blowgun Needles +3 Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Blowgun of Warning Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Blue Dragon Mask Wondrous Item RoT None
- Blue Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Bookmark Weapon (Dagger) (requires attunement)ToA Legendary
- Book of Exalted Deeds Wondrous Item DMG Artifact
- Book of Vile Darkness Wondrous Item DMG Artifact
- Boots of Elvenkind Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Boots of False Tracks Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Boots of Featherweight Wondrous Item RHB Rare
- Boots of Levitation Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Boots of Speed Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Boots of Striding and Springing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Boots of the Winterlands Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Bottled Breath Potion PotA None
- Bow of Grounding Weapon (Longbow) (requires attunement)XLN Rare
- Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Box of Shrinking Wondrous Item XLN Varies by Type
- Bracers of Archery Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Bracers of Defense Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Bramblebriar Weapon (Scimitar) (requires attunement)XLN Legendary
- Brass Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Breastplate +1 Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate +2 Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Breastplate +3 Medium Armor DMG Legendary
- Breastplate of Acid Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Cold Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Fire Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Force Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Lightning Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Necrotic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Poison Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Psychic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Radiant Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Breastplate of Thunder Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Bronze Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Brooch of Shielding Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Broom of Flying Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Candle of Invocation Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Candle of the Deep Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Cap of Water Breathing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Cape of the Mountebank Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Carpet of Flying, 3 ft. x 5 ft. Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Carpet of Flying, 4 ft. x 6 ft. Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Carpet of Flying, 5 ft. x 7 ft. Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Carpet of Flying, 6 ft. x 9 ft. Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Cast-Off Armor Armor (any) XGE Common
- Censer of Controlling Air Elementals Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Chain Mail +1 Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail +2 Heavy Armor DMG Very Rare
- Chain Mail +3 Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Chain Mail of Acid Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Cold Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Fire Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Force Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Lightning Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Necrotic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Poison Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Psychic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Radiant Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Mail of Thunder Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt +1 Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt +2 Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Chain Shirt +3 Medium Armor DMG Legendary
- Chain Shirt of Acid Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Cold Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Fire Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Force Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Lightning Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Necrotic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Poison Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Psychic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Radiant Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chain Shirt of Thunder Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Chaos Armor Armor (any) (requires attunement)XLN Legendary
- Chaos Weapon Weapon (any) XLN Legendary
- Charlatan's Die Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Chime of Opening Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Circlet of Blasting Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Claw of the Wyrm Rune Wondrous Item SKT Rare
- Cloak of Arachnida Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Cloak of Billowing Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Cloak of Displacement Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Cloak of Elvenkind Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Cloak of Invisibility Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Cloak of Many Fashions Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Cloak of Protection Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Cloak of the Bat Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Cloak of the Manta Ray Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Clockwork Amulet Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Clothes of Mending Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Club +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Club +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Club +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Club of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Conch of Teleportation Wondrous Item SKT Very Rare
- Copper Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Crossbow Bolt of Slaying Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Crossbow Bolts +1 Ammunition DMG Uncommon
- Crossbow Bolts +2 Ammunition DMG Rare
- Crossbow Bolts +3 Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Crystal Ball Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Crystal Ball of Mind Reading Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Crystal Ball of Telepathy Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Crystal Ball of True Seeing Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Cube of Force Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Cubic Gate Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Daern's Instant Fortress Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Dagger +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Dagger +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Dagger +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dagger of Long Shadow Weapon (Dagger) (requires attunement)XLN Uncommon
- Dagger of Venom Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Dagger of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Dancing Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dancing Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dancing Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dancing Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dancing Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dark Shard Amulet Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Dart +1 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Dart +2 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Dart +3 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Dart of Warning Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Dawnbringer Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon OotA None
- Decanter of Endless Water Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Deck of Illusions Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Deck of Many Things Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Defender Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Defender Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Defender Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Defender Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Defender Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Demon Armor Heavy Armor DMG Very Rare
- Devastation Orb of Air Wondrous Item PotA None
- Devastation Orb of Earth Wondrous Item PotA None
- Devastation Orb of Fire Wondrous Item PotA None
- Devastation Orb of Water Wondrous Item PotA None
- Dimensional Shackles Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Dragon Slayer Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Dragon Slayer Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Dragon Slayer Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Dragon Slayer Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Dragon Slayer Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Dread Helm Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Driftglobe Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Drown Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PotA None
- Dust of Disappearance Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Dust of Dryness Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Dust of Sneezing and Choking Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Dwarven Plate Heavy Armor DMG Very Rare
- Dwarven Thrower Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Ear Horn of Hearing Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Efreeti Bottle Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Efreeti Chain Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Elemental Gem, Blue Sapphire Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Elemental Gem, Emerald Wondrous Item DMG None
- Elemental Gem, Red Corundum Wondrous Item DMG None
- Elemental Gem, Yellow Diamond Wondrous Item DMG None
- Elixir of Health Potion DMG Rare
- Elven Chain Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Enduring Spellbook Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Ersatz Eye Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Eversmoking Bottle Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Eye of Vecna Wondrous Item DMG Artifact
- Eyes of Charming Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Eyes of Minute Seeing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Eyes of the Eagle Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bronze Griffon Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ebony Fly Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Golden Lions Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ivory Goats Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Marble Elephant Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Obsidian Steed Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Onyx Dog Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Serpentine Owl Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver Raven Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Firestorm Arrow +1, +2, +3 Ammunition RHB Uncommon(+1), Rare(+2), Very Rare(+3)
- Flail +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Flail +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Flail +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Flail of Force Weapon (Flail) (requires attunement)XLN Legendary
- Flail of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Flame Tongue Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Flame Tongue Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Flame Tongue Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Flame Tongue Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Flame Tongue Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Folding Boat Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Fountain Pen Wondrous Item XLN Uncommon
- Freezing Arrow +1, +2, +3 Ammunition RHB Uncommon(+1), Rare(+2), Very Rare(+3)
- Frost Brand Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Frost Brand Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Frost Brand Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Frost Brand Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Frost Brand Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Gauntlets of the Titan Wondrous Item RHB Rare
- Gavel of the Venn Rune Wondrous Item SKT Rare
- Gem of Brightness Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Gem of Seeing Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Ghost Lantern Wondrous Item (requires attunement)ToA Rare
- Giant Slayer Battleaxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Greataxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Handaxe Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Giant Slayer Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Glaive +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Glaive +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Glaive +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Glaive of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Glamoured Studded Leather Light Armor DMG Rare
- Gloves of Missile Snaring Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Gloves of Thievery Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Goggles of Night Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Gold Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Greataxe +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greataxe +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Greataxe +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Greataxe of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greatclub +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greatclub +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Greatclub +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Greatclub of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greatsword +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greatsword +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Greatsword +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Greatsword of Life Stealing Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Greatsword of Sharpness Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Greatsword of Vengeance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greatsword of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Greatsword of Wounding Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Green Dragon Mask Wondrous Item RoT None
- Green Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Gulthias Staff Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon CoS None
- Gurt's Greataxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon SKT Legendary
- Halberd +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Halberd +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Halberd +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Halberd of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Half Plate Armor +1 Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor +2 Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Half Plate Armor +3 Medium Armor DMG Legendary
- Half Plate Armor of Acid Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Cold Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Fire Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Force Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Lightning Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Necrotic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Poison Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Psychic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Radiant Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Half Plate Armor of Thunder Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hammer of Thunderbolts Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Hand Crossbow +1 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Hand Crossbow +2 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Hand Crossbow +3 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Hand Crossbow of Warning Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Hand of Vecna Wondrous Item DMG Artifact
- Handaxe +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Handaxe +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Handaxe +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Handaxe of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Hat of Disguise Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Hat of Vermin Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Hat of Wizardry Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Hazirawn Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon HotDQ None
- Headband of Intellect Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Healer's Crossbow Weapon (Crossbow) (requires attunement)XLN Very Rare
- Heavy Crossbow +1 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Heavy Crossbow +2 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Heavy Crossbow +3 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Heavy Crossbow of Warning Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Helm of Brilliance Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Helm of Comprehending Languages Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Helm of Telepathy Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Helm of Teleportation Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Heward's Handy Haversack Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Heward's Handy Spice Pouch Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Hide Armor +1 Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor +2 Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Hide Armor +3 Medium Armor DMG Legendary
- Hide Armor of Acid Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Cold Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Fire Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Force Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Lightning Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Necrotic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Poison Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Psychic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Radiant Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Hide Armor of Thunder Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Holy Avenger Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Holy Avenger Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Holy Avenger Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Holy Avenger Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Holy Avenger Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Horn of Blasting Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Horn of Silent Alarm Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Horn of Valhalla, Brass Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Horn of Valhalla, Bronze Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Horn of Valhalla, Iron Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Horn of Valhalla, Silver Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Hornet Ring Ring (requires attunement)XLN Common
- Horseshoes of Speed Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Horseshoes of a Zephyr Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Immovable Rod Rod DMG Uncommon
- Ingot of the Skold Rune Wondrous Item SKT Very Rare
- Insignia of Claws Wondrous Item HotDQ None
- Instrument of Illusions Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Instrument of Scribing Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Instrument of the Bards, Anstruth Harp Wondrous Item (requires attunement)DMG Very Rare
- Instrument of the Bards, Canaith Mandolin Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Instrument of the Bards, Cli Lyre Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Instrument of the Bards, Doss Lute Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Instrument of the Bards, Fochlucan Bandore Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Instrument of the Bards, Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Instrument of the Bards, Ollamh Harp Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Ioun Stone, Absorption Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Agility Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Awareness Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Ioun Stone, Fortitude Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Greater Absorption Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Ioun Stone, Insight Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Intellect Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Leadership Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Mastery Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Ioun Stone, Protection Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Ioun Stone, Regeneration Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Ioun Stone, Reserve Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Ioun Stone, Strength Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Ioun Stone, Sustenance Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Iron Bands of Bilarro Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Iron Flask Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Iron Net Weapon (Net) XLN Uncommon
- Ironfang Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PotA None
- Javelin +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Javelin +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Javelin +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Javelin of Lightning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Javelin of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Keoghtom's Ointment Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Korolnor Scepter Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon SKT Legendary
- Lance +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Lance +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Lance +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Lance of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Lantern of Revealing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Lash of Asheradon Weapon (Whip) RHB Rare
- Lashing Grip Weapon (Whip) XLN Rare
- Leather Armor +1 Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor +2 Light Armor DMG Very Rare
- Leather Armor +3 Light Armor DMG Legendary
- Leather Armor of Acid Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Cold Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Fire Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Force Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Lightning Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Necrotic Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Poison Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Psychic Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Radiant Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Leather Armor of Thunder Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Light Crossbow +1 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Light Crossbow +2 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Light Crossbow +3 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Light Crossbow of Warning Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Light Hammer +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Light Hammer +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Light Hammer +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Light Hammer of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Lightning Arrow +1, +2, +3 Ammunition RHB Uncommon(+1), Rare(+2), Very Rare(+3)
- Lock of Trickery Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Longbow +1 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Longbow +2 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Longbow +3 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Longbow of Lost Souls Weapon (Longbow) (requires attunement)XLN Very Rare
- Longbow of Warning Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Longsword +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Longsword +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Longsword +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Longsword of Life Stealing Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Longsword of Sharpness Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Longsword of Vengeance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Longsword of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Longsword of Wounding Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Lost Crown of Besilmer Wondrous Item PotA None
- Luck Blade Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Luck Blade Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Luck Blade Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Luck Blade Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Luck Blade Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Mace +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Mace +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Mace +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Mace of Disruption Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Mace of Smiting Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Mace of Terror Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Mace of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Mantle of Spell Resistance Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Manual of Bodily Health Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Manual of Clay Golems Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Manual of Flesh Golems Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Manual of Gainful Exercise Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Manual of Iron Golems Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Manual of Quickness of Action Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Manual of Stone Golems Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Mariner's Breastplate Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Chain Mail Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Chain Shirt Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Half Plate Armor Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Hide Armor Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Leather Armor Light Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Padded Armor Light Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Plate Armor Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Ring Mail Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Spiked Armor Medium Armor DMG None
- Mariner's Splint Armor Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mariner's Studded Leather Armor Light Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mask of the Beast Wondrous Item ToA Uncommon
- Mask of the Dragon Queen Wondrous Item RoT None
- Maul +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Maul +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Maul +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Maul of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Medallion of Thoughts Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Mere Weapon (Mace), Melee Weapon (requires attunement)MFoV Rare
- Mind Blade Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon VGM None
- Mind Blade Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon VGM None
- Mind Blade Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon VGM None
- Mind Blade Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon VGM None
- Mind Blade Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon VGM None
- Mind Carapace Chain Mail Heavy Armor VGM None
- Mind Carapace Plate Armor Heavy Armor VGM None
- Mind Carapace Ring Mail Heavy Armor VGM None
- Mind Carapace Splint Armor Heavy Armor VGM None
- Mind Lash Melee Weapon VGM None
- Mirror of Life Trapping Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Mithral Breastplate Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Chain Mail Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Chain Shirt Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Half Plate Armor Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Plate Armor Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Ring Mail Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Uncommon
- Mithral Spiked Armor Medium Armor DMG None
- Mithral Splint Armor Heavy Armor DMG Uncommon
- Moonblade Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Moon-Touched Sword Sword (any) XGE Common
- Morningstar +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Morningstar +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Morningstar +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Morningstar of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Mystery Key Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Navigation Orb Wondrous Item SKT Very Rare
- Necklace of Adaptation Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Necklace of Fireballs Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Necklace of Prayer Beads Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Net +1 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Net +2 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Net +3 Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Net of Warning Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Nine Lives Stealer Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Nine Lives Stealer Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Nine Lives Stealer Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Nine Lives Stealer Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Nine Lives Stealer Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Oathbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Oil of Etherealness Potion DMG Rare
- Oil of Sharpness Potion DMG Very Rare
- Oil of Slipperiness Potion DMG Uncommon
- Opal of the Ild Rune Wondrous Item SKT Rare
- Orb of Direction Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Orb of Dragonkind Wondrous Item DMG Artifact
- Orb of Time Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Orb of the Stein Rune Wondrous Item SKT Rare
- Orcsplitter Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon PotA None
- Padded Armor +1 Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor +2 Light Armor DMG Very Rare
- Padded Armor +3 Light Armor DMG Legendary
- Padded Armor of Acid Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Cold Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Fire Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Force Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Lightning Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Necrotic Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Poison Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Psychic Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Radiant Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Padded Armor of Thunder Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Parchment of Remembrance Wondrous Item XLN Uncommon
- Pearl of Power Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Pennant of the Vind Rune Wondrous Item SKT Very Rare
- Perfume of Bewitching Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Periapt of Health Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Periapt of Proof Against Poison Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Periapt of Wound Closure Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Philter of Love Potion DMG Uncommon
- Pike +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Pike +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Pike +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Pike of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Pipe of Smoke Monsters Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Pipes of Haunting Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Pipes of the Sewers Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Piwafwi (Cloak of Elvenkind) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Piwafwi of Fire Resistance (Cloak of Elvenkind) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Plate Armor +1 Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor +2 Heavy Armor DMG Very Rare
- Plate Armor +3 Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Plate Armor of Acid Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Cold Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Etherealness Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Plate Armor of Fire Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Force Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Lightning Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Necrotic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Poison Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Psychic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Radiant Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Plate Armor of Thunder Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Pole of Angling Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Pole of Collapsing Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Portable Hole Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Pot of Awakening Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Potion of Acid Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Animal Friendship Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Clairvoyance Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Climbing Potion DMG Common
- Potion of Cloud Giant Strength Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Cold Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Diminution Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Fire Breath Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Fire Giant Strength Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Fire Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Flying Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Force Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Frost Giant Strength Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Gaseous Form Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Giant Size Potion SKT Legendary
- Potion of Greater Healing Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Growth Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Healing Potion DMG Common
- Potion of Heroism Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Hill Giant Strength Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Invisibility Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Invulnerability Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Lightning Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Longevity Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Mind Reading Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Necrotic Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Poison Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Poison Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Psychic Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Radiant Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Resuscitation Potion XLN Very Rare
- Potion of Speed Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Stone Giant Strength Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Storm Giant Strength Potion DMG Legendary
- Potion of Superior Healing Potion DMG Rare
- Potion of Supreme Healing Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Thunder Resistance Potion DMG Uncommon
- Potion of Vitality Potion DMG Very Rare
- Potion of Water Breathing Potion DMG Uncommon
- Pouch of Sounds Wondrous Item XLN Common
- Quaal's Feather Token, Anchor Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Quaal's Feather Token, Bird Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Quaal's Feather Token, Fan Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Quaal's Feather Token, Swan Boat Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Quaal's Feather Token, Tree Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Quaal's Feather Token, Whip Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Quarterstaff +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Quarterstaff +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Quarterstaff +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Quarterstaff of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Quiver of Ehlonna Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Quiver of Holding Wondrous Item RHB Rare
- Rapier +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Rapier +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Rapier +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Rapier of Life Stealing Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Rapier of Vengeance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Rapier of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Rapier of Wounding Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Red Dragon Mask Wondrous Item RoT None
- Red Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Ring Mail +1 Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail +2 Heavy Armor DMG Very Rare
- Ring Mail +3 Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Ring Mail of Acid Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Cold Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Fire Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Force Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Lightning Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Necrotic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Poison Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Psychic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Radiant Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring Mail of Thunder Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Ring of Acid Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Air Elemental Command Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Animal Influence Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Cold Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Djinni Summoning Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Earth Elemental Command Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Evasion Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Fear Ring (requires attunement)XLN Very Rare
- Ring of Feather Falling Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Fire Elemental Command Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Fire Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Force Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Free Action Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Invisibility Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Jumping Ring DMG Uncommon
- Ring of Lightning Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Mind Shielding Ring DMG Uncommon
- Ring of Necrotic Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Poison Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Protection Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Psychic Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Radiant Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Regeneration Ring DMG Very Rare
- Ring of Shooting Stars Ring DMG Very Rare
- Ring of Spell Storing Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Spell Turning Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Swimming Ring DMG Uncommon
- Ring of Telekinesis Ring DMG Very Rare
- Ring of Thievery Ring (requires attunement)RHB Uncommon
- Ring of Three Wishes Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Thunder Resistance Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of Warmth Ring DMG Uncommon
- Ring of Water Elemental Command Ring DMG Legendary
- Ring of Water Walking Ring DMG Uncommon
- Ring of Winter Ring (requires attunement)ToA Artifact
- Ring of X-ray Vision Ring DMG Rare
- Ring of the Ram Ring DMG Rare
- Robe of Eyes Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Robe of Scintillating Colors Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Robe of Serpants Wondrous Item SKT Uncommon
- Robe of Stars Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Robe of Useful Items Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Robe of the Archmagi Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Rod of Absorption Rod DMG Very Rare
- Rod of Alertness Rod DMG Very Rare
- Rod of Lordly Might Rod DMG Legendary
- Rod of Resurrection Rod DMG Legendary
- Rod of Rulership Rod DMG Rare
- Rod of Security Rod DMG Very Rare
- Rod of the Pact Keeper, +1 Rod DMG Uncommon
- Rod of the Pact Keeper, +2 Rod DMG Rare
- Rod of the Pact Keeper, +3 Rod DMG Very Rare
- Rod of the Vonindod Rod SKT Rare
- Rope of Climbing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Rope of Entanglement Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Rope of Mending Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Ruby of the War Mage Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Saddle of the Cavalier Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Saint Markovia's Thighbone Melee Weapon CoS None
- Scale Mail +1 Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail +2 Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Scale Mail +3 Medium Armor DMG Legendary
- Scale Mail of Acid Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Cold Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Fire Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Force Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Lightning Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Necrotic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Poison Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Psychic Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Radiant Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scale Mail of Thunder Resistance Medium Armor DMG Rare
- Scarab of Protection Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Scimitar +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Scimitar +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Scimitar +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Scimitar of Life Stealing Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Scimitar of Sharpness Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Scimitar of Speed Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Scimitar of Vengeance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Scimitar of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Scimitar of Wounding Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Scorpion Armor Armor (Plate) (requires attunement)ToA Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Aberrations Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Beasts Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Celestials Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Elementals Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Fey Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Fiends Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Plants Scroll DMG Rare
- Scroll of Protection from Undead Scroll DMG Rare
- Seeker Dart Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon PotA None
- Sending Stones Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Sentinel Shield Shield DMG Uncommon
- Shard of the Ise Rune Wondrous Item SKT Very Rare
- Shield +1 Shield DMG Uncommon
- Shield +2 Shield DMG Rare
- Shield +3 Shield DMG Very Rare
- Shield of Expression Shield XGE Common
- Shield of Far Sight Shield VGM None
- Shield of Missile Attraction Shield DMG Rare
- Shoes of the Party Lord Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XLN Very Rare
- Shortbow +1 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Shortbow +2 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Shortbow +3 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Shortbow of Warning Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Shortsword +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Shortsword +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Shortsword +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Shortsword of Life Stealing Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Shortsword of Vengeance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Shortsword of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Shortsword of Wounding Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Sickle +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Sickle +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Sickle +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Sickle of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Silver Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Sleep Arrow +1, +2, +3 Ammunition RHB Uncommon(+1), Rare(+2), Very Rare(+3)
- Sling +1 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Sling +2 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Sling +3 Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Sling Bullet of Slaying Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Sling Bullets +1 Ammunition DMG Uncommon
- Sling Bullets +2 Ammunition DMG Rare
- Sling Bullets +3 Ammunition DMG Very Rare
- Sling of Warning Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Slippers of Spider Climbing Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Smoldering Armor Armor (any) XGE Common
- Sovereign Glue Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Spear +1 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Spear +2 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Spear +3 Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Spear of Warning Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Spell Gem (Amber) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Bloodstone) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Diamond) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Jade) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Lapis lazuli) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Obsidian) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Quartz) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Ruby) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Star ruby) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Gem (Topaz) Wondrous Item OotA None
- Spell Scroll (1st Level) Scroll DMG Common
- Spell Scroll (2nd Level) Scroll DMG Uncommon
- Spell Scroll (3rd Level) Scroll DMG Uncommon
- Spell Scroll (4th Level) Scroll DMG Rare
- Spell Scroll (5th Level) Scroll DMG Rare
- Spell Scroll (6th Level) Scroll DMG Very Rare
- Spell Scroll (7th Level) Scroll DMG Very Rare
- Spell Scroll (8th Level) Scroll DMG Very Rare
- Spell Scroll (9th Level) Scroll DMG Legendary
- Spell Scroll (Cantrip) Scroll DMG Common
- Spellguard Shield Shield DMG Very Rare
- Sphere of Annihilation Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Spider Staff Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon LMoP None
- Spiked Armor Medium Armor SCAG None
- Spiked Armor +1 Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor +2 Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor +3 Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Acid Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Cold Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Fire Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Force Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Lightning Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Necrotic Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Poison Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Psychic Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Radiant Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Spiked Armor of Thunder Resistance Medium Armor DMG None
- Splint Armor +1 Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor +2 Heavy Armor DMG Very Rare
- Splint Armor +3 Heavy Armor DMG Legendary
- Splint Armor of Acid Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Cold Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Fire Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Force Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Lightning Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Necrotic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Poison Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Psychic Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Radiant Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Splint Armor of Thunder Resistance Heavy Armor DMG Rare
- Spy Fly Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XLN Uncommon
- Staff of Adornment Staff XGE Common
- Staff of Birdcalls Staff XGE Common
- Staff of Charming Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Staff of Defense Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon LMoP None
- Staff of Fire Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Staff of Flowers Staff XGE Common
- Staff of Frost Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Staff of Healing Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Staff of Lordly Might Staff (requires attunement)XLN Legendary
- Staff of Power Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Staff of Striking Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Staff of Swarming Insects Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Staff of the Forgotten One Staff (requires attunement)ToA Artifact
- Staff of Thunder and Lightning Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Staff of Withering Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Staff of the Adder Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Staff of the Magi Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Legendary
- Staff of the Python Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Staff of the Woodlands Staff, Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Stone of Good Luck Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Storm Boomerang Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon PotA None
- Studded Leather Armor +1 Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor +2 Light Armor DMG Very Rare
- Studded Leather Armor +3 Light Armor DMG Legendary
- Studded Leather Armor of Acid Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Cold Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Fire Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Force Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Lightning Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Necrotic Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Poison Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Psychic Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Radiant Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Studded Leather Armor of Thunder Resistance Light Armor DMG Rare
- Sun Blade Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Sunsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon CoS None
- Sword of Answering (Answerer) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Back Talker) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Concluder) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Last Quip) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Rebutter) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Replier) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Retorter) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Scather) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Answering (Squelcher) Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Sword of Kas Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Artifact
- Tahia Weapon (Quarterstaff), Melee Weapon (requires attunement)MFoV Very Rare
- Talisman of Pure Good Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Talisman of Ultimate Evil Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Talisman of the Sphere Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Talking Doll Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XGE Common
- Tankard of Sobriety Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Tentacle Rod Rod DMG Rare
- Tinderstrike Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PotA None
- Tome of Clear Thought Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Tome of Leadership and Influence Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Tome of Understanding Wondrous Item DMG Very Rare
- Tome of the Stilled Tongue Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Traitor's Tabard Wondrous Item (requires attunement)XLN Common
- Trident +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Trident +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Trident +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Trident of Fish Command Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Trident of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Tromberd's Ladle Wondrous Item XLN Rare
- Unbreakable Arrow Ammunition XGE Common
- Universal Solvent Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Veteran's Cane Wondrous Item XGE Common
- Vicious Battleaxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Blowgun Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Club Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Dagger Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Dart Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Flail Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Glaive Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Greataxe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Greatclub Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Halberd Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Hand Crossbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Handaxe Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Heavy Crossbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Javelin Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Lance Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Light Crossbow Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Light Hammer Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Longbow Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Mace Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Maul Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Morningstar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Pike Melee Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Quarterstaff Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Rapier Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Shortbow Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Shortsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Sickle Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Sling Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Spear Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Trident Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious War Pick Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Warhammer Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vicious Whip Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Vorpal Greatsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Vorpal Longsword Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Vorpal Scimitar Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Walloping Ammunition Ammunition XGE Common
- Wand of Binding Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of Conducting Wand XGE Common
- Wand of Enemy Detection Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of Fear Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of Fireballs Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of Lightning Bolts Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of Magic Detection Wand DMG Uncommon
- Wand of Magic Missiles Wand DMG Uncommon
- Wand of Orcus Wand, Wondrous Item, Simple Weapon DMG Artifact
- Wand of Paralysis Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of Polymorph Wand DMG Very Rare
- Wand of Pyrotechnics Wand XGE Common
- Wand of Scowls Wand XGE Common
- Wand of Secrets Wand DMG Uncommon
- Wand of Smiles Wand XGE Common
- Wand of Storage Wand (requires attunement)RHB Rare
- Wand of Viscid Globs Wand OotA None
- Wand of Web Wand DMG Uncommon
- Wand of Winter Wand HotDQ None
- Wand of Wonder Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of the War Mage, +1 Wand DMG Uncommon
- Wand of the War Mage, +2 Wand DMG Rare
- Wand of the War Mage, +3 Wand DMG Very Rare
- War Pick +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- War Pick +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- War Pick +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- War Pick of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Warhammer +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Warhammer +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Warhammer +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Warhammer of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Wave Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Weird Tank Wondrous Item PotA None
- Well of Many Worlds Wondrous Item DMG Legendary
- Whelm Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Legendary
- Whip +1 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- Whip +2 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Rare
- Whip +3 Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Very Rare
- Whip of Warning Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon DMG Uncommon
- White Dragon Mask Wondrous Item RoT None
- White Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor DMG Very Rare
- Wind Fan Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Windvane Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon PotA None
- Winged Boots Wondrous Item DMG Uncommon
- Wings of Flying Wondrous Item DMG Rare
- Wingwear Wondrous Item PotA None
- Wyrmskull Throne Wondrous Item SKT Artifact
- Amulet of Protection from Turning Wondrous Item TYP Rare
- Balance of Harmony Wondrous Item TYP Uncommon
- Bracelet of Rock Magic Wondrous Item TYP Very Rare
- Eagle Whistle Wondrous Item TYP Rare
- Hell Hound Cloak Wondrous Item TYP Rare
- Load Stone Wondrous Item TYP Rare
- Mirror of the Past Wondrous Item TYP Rare
- Night Caller Wondrous Item TYP Uncommon
- Potion of Mind Control (beast) Potion TYP Rare
- Potion of Mind Control (humanoid) Potion TYP Rare
- Potion of Mind Control (monster) Potion TYP Very Rare
- Robe of Summer Wondrous Item TYP Rare
- Shatterspike Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon TYP Uncommon
- Spear of Backbiting Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon TYP Very Rare
- Javelin of Backbiting Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon TYP Very Rare
- Stone of Ill Luck Wondrous Item TYP Uncommon
- Wand of Entangle Wand TYP Uncommon
- Waythe Melee Weapon, Martial Weapon TYP Legendary
PHB Abacus | |||||
Adventuring Gear | |||||
2gp, 2 lbs. | |||||
Source: Player's Handbook, page 150 | |||||